Real-Time Maps and Charts

System Load Graph

Date: 09/20/2024  

This graph shows electricity demand from these perspectives:


   Forecast: The most recently-published forecast  of electricity demand, updated as needed and at least twice daily.

   Actual: The real-time electricity usage on New England’s bulk power grid, updated every 5 minutes.

   Cleared: The demand for electricity that cleared in the Day-Ahead Energy Market for the selected day.

   Prior-Day: A record of the demand forecast published prior to the deadline for bids and offers in the Day-Ahead Energy Market for the selected day.

   Actual Including Pump Load: Real-time electricity usage on the bulk power grid, including demand from pump load resources.
   Actual  Including Estimated Behind-the-Meter Solar: An estimate of real-time electricity usage in New England, including actual usage on the bulk power grid and estimated output from behind-the-meter solar resources.


ISO New England predicts electricity usage based on daily and seasonal patterns, as well as weather and distributed generation resources, not connected to the regional power grid.



 - Hover over the lines in the graph to see the megawatt amounts for each line item during any point throughout the day.

 - Use the date picker to see historical data.

 - The Prior Day forecast line provides an increased level of transparency into our forecast accuracy, which we consistently strive to improve.

 - Click on the export button to view the raw chart data in CSV format.

