Energy, Load, and Demand Reports

In this section

Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost

Download average monthly wholesale load cost data for New England and load zones. New England is divided into eight electric energy load zones used for wholesale energy market settlement.

Please note: Data represents latest available settlement data. See the Monthly Wholesale Load Cost Analysis for details and assumptions.

Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost
Description Timestamp Download
Current - 2024 Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost Data 09/17/2024 10:20 AM EDT CSV
2023 Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost Data 05/13/2024 02:07 PM EDT CSV
2022 Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost Data 05/16/2023 12:37 PM EDT CSV
2021 Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost Data 11/15/2022 11:36 AM EST CSV
2020 Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost Data 11/15/2021 04:29 PM EST CSV
2019 Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost Data 10/13/2020 03:54 PM EDT CSV
2018 Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost Data 10/15/2019 09:51 AM EDT CSV
2017 Average Monthly Wholesale Load Cost Data 10/15/2018 09:25 AM EDT CSV