Access materials related to Transmission Owner-developed asset-management or asset-condition projects throughout the New England transmission system.
In addition to the ISO led planning processes, transmission owners of Pool Transmission Facilities (PTF) in New England have an ongoing obligation to identify degraded assets and to implement necessary replacements or upgrades. These asset management programs are necessary to support the continued reliability of the system.
For information related to ISO led planning processes, see Reliability Transmission, Market Efficiency Transmission, Public Policy Transmission, Competitive Transmission, and Key Study Areas for materials related to the study and identification of system needs and solution development.
Some materials in this section contain CEII. Your browser cannot access them without the ISO’s prior approval. If you are not a market participant and wish to access this material, you will need to complete and submit a CEII Access Request Form in Ask ISO and receive the ISO’s approval. If you are a market participant and wish to access this material, contact your organization’s security administrator (SA) for the ISO’s Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS). Your SA must enter your name into the CAMS database and assign you the necessary roles and permissions. For further information, see the Request CEII Access page.