ISO New England offers several subscription-based email lists to notify market participants and other stakeholders of ISO and industry developments. Subscriptions to these notifications are organized through the Ask ISO system (with a couple of noted exceptions).
Please read the Ask ISO knowledge article, How to Manage Your Mailing Lists, for instructions and related subscribe/unsubscribe links.
If you are a market participant that is looking to receive company specific notices and communications (i.e., Billing or Financial Assurance Contact), please reach out to your company’s Security Administrator who will be able to alter related Contact Types.
Descriptions of the mailing lists and helpful resources are provided below.
ISO Newswire (subscribe to email newsletter)
Recent articles from the ISO’s news blog, ISO Newswire
ISO Training
Announcements of training courses offered by the ISO
Participant Readiness
Notification of updates to the Participant Readiness Project Outlook webpage or the near-term project pages listed therein, which discuss major upcoming ISO projects
Subscribe to All Notices to receive all of the below notifications. Or, select only the specific mailing lists you’d like.
Participant Issues
Notices of miscellaneous reports, changes in policy issues, and other general matters related to our customers
Emergency Operating System Notices
Alerts on abnormal operating system conditions, including:
Cold Weather Condition Operations
Notices pertaining to cold weather condition operations, including declaration of Cold Weather Watch, Cold Weather Warning, and Cold Weather Event. Learn more about these alerts on the Power System Alert Descriptions page.
Information Technology (IT) Notices
Notices of planned events, software outages, and other issues that may impact market participants’ use of the ISO’s websites or electronic applications, including:
Market Notices
Announcement of issues impacting New England’s wholesale electricity markets, including:
Capacity Announcements
Notices of issues regarding the Forward Capacity Market (FCM), including:
Interchange Information Notices
Notice of when export external transactions must be restricted in order to continue to meet load and operating reserve requirements
FTR Market Announcements
Notices of issues impacting the Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) Market, including:
Forward Reserve Market Announcements
Notification of issues impacting the Forward Reserve Market (FRM), including:
MIS Report Issues
Announcement of new or revised market information server (MIS) reports or delays in publishing of certain MIS reports
Settlement Announcements
Announcement of issues involving market settlements, including: