Need specifics on how ISO New England administers the region’s wholesale electricity markets and power system? Here are answers to questions frequently asked by customers about ISO rules, processes, and services.
- Annual Reconfiguration Auction (ARA): about supply offers, demand bids, and megawatts determination in the annual Forward Capacity Market auction
- Banking Information: how new and existing customers can submit or update banking information with ISO New England
- Billing Process: about billing-related documents and how to obtain them, as well as billing-related rules, processes, and services.
- Claimed capability audits: about ISO-conducted audits to establish the winter and summer seasonal claimed capability (SCC) values for generator assets
- Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS): about the ISO’s electronic data submission system
- Customer information updates: how to notify the ISO of changes to customer information, such as name changes, mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, affiliates, and corporate structures
- Day Ahead Energy Market: about commitment, scheduling, and dispatch in the ISO’s market for trading energy for the following day at financially binding day-ahead prices
- eMarket: about web-based software that allows market participants to offer or bid into the ISO’s energy markets
- External transactions and external interfaces: information on the movement or transfer of energy within, into, out of, or through the New England Balancing Authority Area, and between balancing authority areas
- Financial assurance: acceptable forms, virtual proxies, Financial Transmission Right (FTR) requirements, BlackRock accounts, and more
- Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs): about the financial instrument for hedging the price risk of day-ahead congestion caused by constraints on the transmission system
- Forward Reserve Market: about the ISO’s market for acquiring the generating resources needed to satisfy the requirements for 10-minute nonspinning reserves and 30-minute operating reserves
- Generator operational parameters: about basic participation requirements, details on specific operating issues, and more
- Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP): about the calculated price of electric energy at a system node, load zone, reliability region, or hub
- MIS reports: how to access MIS reports from secure FTP accounts
- Minimum Generation Emergency and Min Gen Warning: about a type of abnormal system condition for which the ISO anticipates requesting one or more generating resources operate at or below economic minimum limit
- Membership: about participating in the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL), a voluntary association of wholesale electricity market participants in the region
- Net Commitment-Period Compensation (NCPC): information on payments designed to make resources that follow the ISO’s operating instructions “no worse off” financially than the best alternative generation schedule
- OATT and ISO Tariff: about the transmission services and charges included in the Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT)—section II of the Transmission, Markets, and Services Tariff (ISO Tariff)
- PowerGADS: using the ISO’s electronic system for generating facilities to submit Generating Availability Data System (GAD) event and performance data to meet NERC data submittal requirements
- Real-Time Energy Market: about transactions, calculations, and charges in the ISO market that balances differences between the day-ahead scheduled amounts of electric energy needed and the actual real-time load requirements
- Sales and use tax reporting: calculations, documentation, etc., related to the ISO’s obligation to collect state taxes