The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is an open stakeholder forum that provides input and feedback to ISO New England on the regional system planning process, which involves:
Final reports, needs assessments (including economic studies), solutions studies, and other information can be accessed below. The ISO performs these assessments, studies, etc., as prescribed by the ISO Tariff, Section II (Open Access Transmission Tariff), Attachment K: Regional System Planning Process. They form the foundation for the Regional System Plan.
PAC meetings are public, and any entity can designate a member to the PAC. This includes:
Generator owners, marketers, load serving entities, merchant transmission owners, and participating transmission owners, including any New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) participant representatives
To be added to the PAC email distribution list, an email address shall be provided to the PAC Secretary, Jillian Macura.
For more information on the PAC’s roles and operation, please see the ISO Tariff, Section II (Open Access Transmission Tariff), Attachment K: Regional System Planning Process.
Officer Name | Representing Company | Sector | Position |
Shounak Abhyankar | ISO New England Inc | Not applicable | Chair |
Jillian Macura | ISO New England Inc | Not applicable | Secretary |
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