Do you need to terminate your membership or update corporate information you have on file with ISO New England? Here’s how:
Name Changes
To update your organization’s name in ISO records, please provide written notification.
- Send an email notification with a scanned copy of the certificate of amendment issued by the state of incorporation to the following:
- Scan copies of the following documents and email them to the ISO billing department:
- Prepare the following documents to update your BlackRock account, if applicable:
- BlackRock Initial Set-Up and Change Request Form to update contact information and authorized signers
- Letter of instruction on letterhead using the new company name, signed by an authorized signer with BlackRock
- BlackRock Uncertificated Securities Control Agreement
- ISO-NE Security Agreement (Attachment 1 of the ISO Tariff)
- Copy of the certificate of amendment issued by the state of incorporation
Mail the completed documents to the ISO Enterprise Risk Management department for review and submittal to BlackRock:
ISO New England Inc.
Attn: Enterprise Risk Management
One Sullivan Road
Holyoke, MA 01040-2841
- Contact your bank to have an amended Letter of Credit sent to the ISO’s Credit Department, if applicable.
- Review and update company name data in XML files used for WebServices as of the effective of the name change in the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS).
- Update the company name for external transactions processes:
- Have your company OATI Administrator update the company name in both the OATI and WebRegistry websites.
- Submit an updated External Transmission Customer Contact (ETCC) form.
- Update your email or physical addresses in CAMS. For help working with CAMS, please see:
Merger, Acquisition, and Divestiture Notifications
Notify the ISO of a merger, acquisition, or divestiture in writing.
- Send an email notification of the change to the following:
- Scan a copy of an updated Information Disclosure form and email it to the ISO Credit Department.
- Follow the instructions below under Customer Affiliate Updates to revise affiliates and the corporate family structure.
- If the company name has changed, refer to the instructions and documentation requirements for name changes.
Affiliate Updates
Section I.3.5 of the ISO Tariff requires each market participant to:
- Regularly review its affiliates listing
- Promptly provide the ISO with additions and/or corrections to the list
- The term affiliate is defined in Section I.2.2 of the ISO Tariff
Report changes to a corporate family:
The Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) External Customer Maintainer role is required to view a participant’s corporate family. If you are having trouble accessing the data for your company, you may not have been assigned this role. Please contact your CAMS Security Administrator to request access.
- Review the existing corporate family data for your company in CAMS.
- Report companies that are new to the corporate family on the Non-Customer Company Template.
- Compile the corporate family updates by recording new and expired relationships on the Affiliate Relationships form.
- Email the documents to
Membership Termination Requests
Provide written notification of termination of both ISO customer status and New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) membership to the ISO and to the NEPOOL Participants Committee.
- Use the Termination Letter Template to draft your letter. (Carefully read the conditions of termination detailed in the template.) Be sure to include the following in your letter:
- Participant name
- Participant Customer Asset Management System (CAMS) ID number
- Market Participant Service Agreement (MPSA) number, if available
- Date termination is to be effective (always on the 1st of the desired month)
- Signature of an authorized company representative
- Print the letter on company letterhead.
- Email a scanned copy of the letter to the following:
CAMS Security Administrator (SA) Changes
To use the ISO’s Customer and Assets Management System (CAMS), a company must first designate at least one individual to be a CAMS Security Administrator (SA). An SA is responsible for assigning roles in CAMS and issuing digital certificates, which are necessary for many market activities at the ISO.
Designating an SA is normally done during the new membership application process. However, if your company does not have an SA, would like to revoke an SA, or would like to designate another SA:
- Complete, notarize, and return the ISO New England Security Administrator Signatory Page.
- The form must be signed by a company officer and notarized. Incomplete forms will not be processed.