SOC 1 Type 2 Report Request Form

SOC 1 Type 2 Report Request Form

Please use this form to request a copy of ISO New England's SOC 1 Type 2 Report (the "Report"). All data fields must be completed. The Report is intended solely for the information of and use by ISO New England market participants.


For ISO New England market participants engaging in coordinated transaction schedules through the New York ISO Joint Energy Scheduling System, please contact the New York ISO directly to request a copy of the New York ISO SOC 1 Type 2 Report directly from the New York ISO. Only ISO New England participants engaging in coordinated transaction schedules during the audit period are entitled to receive the New York ISO SOC 1 Type 2 Report.


After you fill out this form and acknowledge the terms and conditions contained herein by clicking the "Yes" button, ISO New England will review the information you submitted and email you a PDF version of the Report. If you have any questions please contact Participant Support and Solutions at (413) 540 4220 or

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Please read the following carefully. By entering the CAPTCHA validation text, I acknowledge the following terms and conditions:

1. I am an employee of the Participant Employer listed above.

2. I agree not to copy the Report, distribute the Report to any other party except for our financial statement auditor, or post the Report in any public forum or on a website.

3. I agree to use the Report solely for my own information.

4. I will be responsible for any damages caused by use of the Report or a breach of the terms of this Agreement.

You must click on I Agree to submit.
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