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Seven-Day Capacity Forecast

Date: 07/27/2024  

Every day, ISO New England publishes this summary of factors affecting the power system for the next seven days, including weather, generating capacity, and peak demand. The forecast is used to identify capacity deficiencies several days in advance and triggers the commitment of generators with start times greater than 24 hours.

Report Date
Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Generating Capacity position
Total Capacity Supply Obligation (CSO)
Anticipated Cold Weather Outages
Other Generation Outages
Anticipated De-List MW Offered
Total Generation Available
Import at Time of Peak
Total Available Generation and Imports
Projected Peak Load
Replacement Reserve Requirement
Required Reserve
Required Reserve including Replacement
Total Load plus Required Reserve
Projected Surplus/(Deficiency)
Available Demand Response Resources
Available Real-Time Emergency Generation
Load Relief Actions Anticipated
Power Watch
Power Warning
Cold Weather Watch
Cold Weather Warning
Cold Weather Event