The long-term load forecast sets out the 10-year projections of electric energy usage and seasonal peak demand in New England. The ISO develops forecasts for the region, state, and different zones. Different versions of the forecast reflect energy and peak demand both before and after the impacts of state-sponsored energy-efficiency programs projected by the Energy-Efficiency Forecast and behind-the-meter photovoltaics (PV) projected by the Distributed Generation Forecast. The forecast also includes the anticipated impacts of state initiatives to electrify the transportation and heating sectors, as projected by the Electrification Forecasts. The long-term load forecast is published annually—see the Forecast Report of Capacity, Energy, Loads, and Transmission (the CELT Report).
The long-term load forecast is used to:
The Load Forecast Committee provides input on the development of the long-term load forecast. The long-term load forecast process is also discussed at multiple working groups, including the Distributed Generation Forecast Working Group and Energy Efficiency Forecast Working Group as well as PAC committee meetings throughout the year. For details on when the meetings are held, visit the calendar.
Learn more about the long-term load forecast methodology development process.