Access documents related to the Energy Market Offer Flexibility project.
This project was part of the ISO’s Strategic Planning Initiative (SPI) to address major challenges to grid reliability by enhancing pricing rules in the Day-Ahead and Real-Time Energy Markets.
The ISO evaluated changes to the design of the energy market to permit dispatchable resources to submit hourly energy offers into the Day-Ahead Energy Market and to modify the commitment cost components (start-up and no-load costs) and the incremental energy-offer component of supply offers during the operating day. The ISO also evaluated the self-scheduling rules in the context of the intraday reoffer changes and the ability for resources to submit negative-priced offers into the market.
Separate, but related, project components included changes to:
The Energy Market Offer Flexibility project was just one of several key projects at the ISO, which continuously undertakes a variety of short- and long-term projects to enhance the region's competitive wholesale electricity markets and ensure reliable operation of the power grid.
For details on the SPI, see the ISO’s annual Regional Electricity Outlook.