ISO New England has made a preliminary determination that a Capacity Scarcity Condition (CSC) is occurring in one or more Capacity Zones in the New England system 08/01/2024 06:15:00 PM.
Pursuant to Section III.13.7.2 of the ISO New England Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff, a CSC exists in a Capacity Zone for any five-minute interval in which the Real-Time Reserve Clearing Price for that entire Capacity Zone is set based on the Reserve Constraint Penalty Factor pricing for: (i) the Minimum Total Reserve Requirement; (ii) the Ten-Minute Reserve Requirement; or (iii) the Zonal Reserve Requirement, each as described in Section III.2.7A(c) of the Tariff; provided, however, that a Capacity Scarcity Condition shall not exist if the Reserve Constraint Penalty Factor pricing results only because of resource ramping limitations that are not binding on the energy dispatch.
The ISO's determination that a CSC is occurring in one or more Capacity Zones in the New England system is preliminary and subject to change pending the finalization of real-time reserve prices for the relevant time period.
Pursuant to Section III.2.9A(a) of the ISO New England Transmission, Markets and Service Tariff, posting of such final Real-Time Reserve Clearing Prices by the ISO shall not exceed five business days from the applicable Operating Day.
Preliminary Five-Minute Reserve Zone Prices and Designations are located here.
Final Five-Minute Reserve Zone Requirements, Prices and Designations are located here.
Capacity Scarcity Condition Reports are located here.