Pricing Reports
In this section
- Hourly Day-Ahead LMPs
- Hourly Day-Ahead with Preliminary Real-Time LMPs
- Preliminary Real-Time Five-Minute LMPs
- Preliminary Real-Time Hourly LMPs
- Final Real-Time Five-Minute LMPs
- Final Real-Time Hourly LMPs
- Selectable Day-Ahead and Preliminary Real-Time Hourly LMPs
- Selectable Final Real-Time Five-Minute LMPs
- Selectable Final Real-Time Hourly LMPs
- Weekly LMP Indices
- Monthly LMP Indices
- Zonal Information
Offers, Bids & Threshold Prices
- Day-Ahead Energy Offer Data
- Real-Time Energy Offer Data
- Real-Time and Day-Ahead Import Offer and Export Bid Data
- Day-Ahead ARD Bid Data
- Real-Time ARD Bid Data
- FCM Annual Reconfiguration Auction Offers and Bids
- Forward Reserve Daily Threshold Price Report
- Demand-Response Threshold Price Summary
- Demand-Response Threshold Price Details
- Aggregated Demand-Response Threshold Price Report
- Regulation Offer Data
- Day-Ahead Demand Bid Data
- CCP Information Releases and FCM Delist Bids
- FCM Monthly Reconfiguration Auction Offers and Bids
- Day-Ahead DRR Offer Data
- Real-Time DRR Offer Data
Ancillary Services
- Preliminary Five-Minute Regulation Clearing Prices
- Final Five-Minute Regulation Clearing Prices
- Five-Minute Reserve Zone Prices and Designations
- Five-Minute Reserve Requirements
- Historical Annual Five-Minute Reserve Zone Prices and Designations
- Preliminary Hourly Reserve Zone Prices and Designations
- Hourly Reserve Requirements
- Final Hourly Reserve Zone Prices and Designations
- Final Five-Minute Reserve Zone Requirements, Prices, and Designations
- Pricing Support Documents
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Final Five-Minute Reserve Zone Requirements, Prices, and Designations
Download reports for final five-minute reserve zone requirements, designations, and prices. The report includes data for each five-minute interval of the day in the region's four reserve zones. The time listed in each row indicates the start of the interval; for example, 9:15 indicates that the prices and designations are effective from 9:15 until next time new data are published.
The reserve zone IDs are as follows: 7000 = Rest of System Reserve Zone (ROS), which is the area excluding the other reserve zones; 7001 = Southwest Connecticut Reserve Zone (SWCT); 7002 = Connecticut Reserve Zone (CT); 7003 = Northeast Massachusetts and Boston Reserve Zone (NEMABSTN).
Note: The reserve requirements listed in the reports for 7000 are actually requirements for the whole system.
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