Pricing Reports
In this section
- Hourly Day-Ahead LMPs
- Hourly Day-Ahead with Preliminary Real-Time LMPs
- Preliminary Real-Time Five-Minute LMPs
- Preliminary Real-Time Hourly LMPs
- Final Real-Time Five-Minute LMPs
- Final Real-Time Hourly LMPs
- Selectable Day-Ahead and Preliminary Real-Time Hourly LMPs
- Selectable Final Real-Time Five-Minute LMPs
- Selectable Final Real-Time Hourly LMPs
- Weekly LMP Indices
- Monthly LMP Indices
- Zonal Information
Offers, Bids & Threshold Prices
- Day-Ahead Energy Offer Data
- Real-Time Energy Offer Data
- Real-Time and Day-Ahead Import Offer and Export Bid Data
- Day-Ahead ARD Bid Data
- Real-Time ARD Bid Data
- FCM Annual Reconfiguration Auction Offers and Bids
- Forward Reserve Daily Threshold Price Report
- Demand-Response Threshold Price Summary
- Demand-Response Threshold Price Details
- Aggregated Demand-Response Threshold Price Report
- Regulation Offer Data
- Day-Ahead Demand Bid Data
- CCP Information Releases and FCM Delist Bids
- FCM Monthly Reconfiguration Auction Offers and Bids
- Day-Ahead DRR Offer Data
- Real-Time DRR Offer Data
Ancillary Services
- Preliminary Five-Minute Regulation Clearing Prices
- Final Five-Minute Regulation Clearing Prices
- Five-Minute Reserve Zone Prices and Designations
- Five-Minute Reserve Requirements
- Historical Annual Five-Minute Reserve Zone Prices and Designations
- Preliminary Hourly Reserve Zone Prices and Designations
- Hourly Reserve Requirements
- Final Hourly Reserve Zone Prices and Designations
- Final Five-Minute Reserve Zone Requirements, Prices, and Designations
- Pricing Support Documents
Related Links
Final Real-Time Five-Minute LMPs
Download final approved locational marginal prices (LMPs) for each five-minute interval of the operating day. The time listed in each row indicates the start of the interval; for example, 9:15 indicates that the LMPs are effective from 9:15 until 9:19. LMPs are presented for the Hub, load zones, and network nodes. Prices are broken into their various cost components: energy, congestion, and losses. Learn more about LMPs.
Finalized LMPs may have been adjusted from the preliminary values in accordance with Manual 11. In very extreme circumstances, finalized LMP data may be amended and republished.
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