Access application forms, rates, business practices, and other documents related to the transmission services offered under the ISO Tariff (see Section II: Open Access Transmission Tariff) for moving power within, into, out of, or through the New England Balancing Authority Area (BAA).
As the Regional Transmission Organization, one of the ISO’s responsibilities is overseeing and coordinating transmission of electric power within, into, out of, or through the New England BAA. This is the collection of generation, transmission, and loads within metered boundaries spanning Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine (excluding the portions of Maine included within the Maritimes BAA). The transmission facilities within the New England BAA include pool transmission facilities, non-pool transmission facilities, merchant transmission facilities, and other transmission facilities.
Several types of transmission services are available in New England, including the following:
Learn more about transmission service in New England by reviewing: