Section II of the ISO New England Inc. Transmission, Markets, and Services Tariff (ISO Tariff) is known as the ISO New England Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). The OATT:
- Helps ensure that all transmission owners and transmission customers have fair and open access to transmission service in New England
- Details the rights and responsibilities of transmission owners and transmission customers as well as the procedures they must follow and the fees transmission customers must pay to access the transmission system
- Sets out the transmission system planning process for the region
- Sets out the cost recovery and allocation mechanisms for transmission and ancillary services in the region (see Schedule 12)
Below you’ll find the following components of the OATT, which are maintained as separate documents:
- Transmission Service Agreement (TSA) required for transmission customers who are not market participants to receive regional network service or point-to-point service
- Schedule 20—Other Transmission Facilities and Service detailing the terms and conditions for transmission service over the other transmission facilities, which are currently limited to transmission service offerings under Schedule 20A—Phase I/II HVDC Transmission Facility Service
- Schedule 21—Local Service providing the terms and conditions for local service from the various local transmission owners
- Schedule 22—Standard Large Generator Interconnection Procedures providing the terms and conditions for interconnecting large generating facilities (more than 20 MW) to the administered transmission system
- Schedule 23—Standard Small Generator Interconnection Procedures providing the terms and conditions for interconnecting small generating facilities (20 MW or less) to the administered transmission system
- Schedule 24—Incorporation By Reference of NAESB Standards providing for the Incorporation by Reference of North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Wholesale Electricity Quadrant (WEQ) Standards
- Schedule 25—Standard Elective Transmission Upgrade Interconnection Procedures providing the terms and conditions for interconnecting a new Pool Transmission Facility, Merchant Transmission Facility or Other Transmission Facility to the administered transmission system. An Elective Transmission Upgrade is not a Generator Interconnection Related Upgrade, a Regional Transmission Upgrade, or a Market Efficiency Transmission Upgrade
- Attachment K – Regional System Planning Process describes the regional system planning process for Pool Transmission Facilities (PTF) conducted by the ISO, and local system planning process conducted by the PTOs. Attachment K includes the processes for the development of the Regional System Plan, the identification of system needs, the development of transmission solutions to address those needs, the identification and evaluation of Public Policy Requirements, and cluster studies
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