In accordance with Attachment K, Section 17 of the ISO’s Open-Access Transmission Tariff (OATT), the ISO performs Economic Study analyses to inform stakeholders about different future systems. These hypothetical, alternative systems should not be regarded as physically realizable plans or the ISO’s vision of realistic future development, projections, and preferences, but rather can assist stakeholders by identifying key regional issues.
The Economic Studies are composed of four Reference Scenarios:
A stakeholder may request a Stakeholder Requested Sensitivity or Scenario to the ISO via the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC). The scope of work, assumptions, and results of an Economic study reflect input from the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC). Economic studies can be complex and require months of analyses, but at the end of each study the ISO prepares a report describing the results of the study. Below you will find the following documentation:
Economic Study-related information is accessible below. Use the Key Topic filter to sort materials by Economic Study Planning Year. Use the Document Type filter to find specific types of materials.