Below, affected ISO customers can learn more about changes to systems or procedures related to the Real-Time Fast-Start Pricing (FSP) Project. This project was one of several that ISO New England has undertaken, in collaboration with stakeholders, for the continued development of the region’s wholesale electricity markets.
See Participant Readiness Project Outlook for more detail on specifically affected customers and systems for this and other major projects.
Project Implemented: 03/01/17
ISO New England incentivized quick responses to dispatch instructions by improving real-time energy market pricing logic. This was accomplished by allowing lead market participants with fast start generators, demand-response resources, flexible DNE dispatchable generators, and certain dispatchable-asset-related demand resources to set price more frequently by:
This project was schedule to be released concurrently with the Subhourly Settlements (SHS) Project and Market Enhancements for DARD Pumps (MEP) Project.
The ISO conducted online information sessions for affected customers to learn about changes and ask questions in advance of project implementation. Please consider subscribing to ISO Training to receive notices posted to the ISO calendar for this project.
12/08/2016 |
December Quarterly Settlements Issues Forum (QSIF) –settlements and MIS changes as well as other SHS/FSP/MEP project-related elements were presented in detail during the December QSIF session. If you are an affected party under the SHS/FSP/MEP projects please refer to the presentation and recording for the “Settlements Issues Forum: 2016 Q4” session available below. |
Quarterly 2016 |
Quarterly Settlements Issues Forum (QSIF)
The following documents were provided to market participants for specific instructions on completing related tasks or processes and helpful answers to frequently asked questions.
DOCUMENT | NOTES (if necessary) |
As part of the project, a new MIS report description, template, and sample file was created. The report description was made available on 12/1/2016. The report template and sample files were revised 01/20/17.
The most recent version of each MIS report can be found on the MIS Report Descriptions, Template and Samples web page. |