Below, affected ISO customers can learn more about the changes to systems or procedures related to the Subhourly Settlements (SHS) Project. This project was one of several that ISO New England has undertaken, in collaboration with stakeholders, for the continued development of the region’s wholesale electricity markets.
See Participant Readiness Project Outlook for more detail on specifically affected customers and systems for this and other major projects.
Transition to five-minute settlement interval implemented: 03/01/2017
Allow the option to submit five-minute meter readings implemented: 08/01/2017
Apply the five-minute interval settlement to regulation capacity and regulation services implemented: 12/01/2017
ISO New England adapted the settlement interval from hourly to every five minutes to incentivize quick responses to dispatch instructions. Generators, load resources, and external transactions are settled every five minutes for Net Commitment-Period Compensation (NCPC) and the Real-Time Energy Market, Regulation Market, and reserve markets. The new settlement intervals implemented under the SHS Project prompted the following changes.
The first phase of the project was schedule to be released concurrently with the Real-Time Fast Start Pricing Project and Market Enhancements for DARD Pumps (MEP) Project.
Affected market participants were required to take specific steps or adapt to changes in ISO Systems, as described below and should be mindful of additional time-bound items, some of which may require customers to take specific steps or adapt to changes in ISO systems after the project implementation date.
Please consider subscribing to Participant Readiness, Market Notices, Information Technology (IT) Notices, and MIS Report Issues to receive notices posted to the ISO calendar for future projects.
December 7, 2016 |
Meter Reader UI sandbox |
Meter readers were able to access the Meter Reader UI sandbox to view the revised interface. Meter readers could test upload/download CSV formats and XML files converted to use GMT |
March 1, 2017 |
Web services |
New end point URLs are available to download final five-minute locational marginal prices (LMPs), five-minute reserve zone prices and designations, five-minute reserve requirements, NCPC data, and five-minute real-time binding constraints data. Refer to the ISO Web Services Business Documentation Spreadsheet found on the Web Services Data webpage under the Report Information section. |
March 1, 2017 |
ISO Express |
Revised pricing reports and preliminary and final grid reports are downloadable in a CSV format for binding constraints, LMPs, reserve prices, and NCPC. |
March 1, 2017 |
HTML client programs |
HTML client programs used for data-scraping converted to using XML RESTful web services. |
March 1, 2017 |
MIS report changes went into effect. See more under Technical Documentation, Rules, and Procedures below. |
December 1, 2017 | MIS | MIS reports for the 5-minute interval settlement for regulation capacity and regulation service went into effect |
December 1, 2017 | Web services | New end point URLs were made available to download five-minute regulation clearing prices. Refer to the ISO Web Services Business Documentation Spreadsheet found on the Web Services Data webpage under the Report Information section. |
December 1, 2017 | ISO Express | Revised pricing reports are downloadable in a CSV format for regulation clearing prices. |
The ISO conducted online information sessions and other opportunities for affected customers to learn about changes and ask questions in advance of project implementation. Please consider subscribing to ISO Training to receive notices posted to the ISO calendar for future projects.
12/08/2016 |
December Quarterly Settlements Issues Forum (QSIF) –settlements and MIS changes as well as other SHS/FSP/MEP project-related elements were presented in detail during the December QSIF session. If you are an affected party under the SHS/FSP/MEP projects please refer to the presentation and recording for the “Settlements Issues Forum: 2016 Q4” session available below. |
12/08/2016 |
December Quarterly Meter Reader Working Group (MRWG) –the meter reader UI enhanced display features for submission and retrieval of five-minute revenue-quality meter (RQM) reading was presented |
Quarterly since March 2016 |
Quarterly Settlements Issues Forum (QSIF)
The following documents were provided to market participants affected by the project for specific instructions on completing related tasks or processes and helpful answers to frequently asked questions.
DOCUMENT | NOTES (if necessary) |
New endpoint URLs were made available for final five minute locational marginal prices, final five-minute reserve prices/requirements and designations, final five minute binding constraints, and five-minute regulation clearing prices. The new endpoint URLs are listed on the ISO Web Services Business Documentation Spreadsheet found on the Web Services Data webpage under the Report Information section. |
These documents were provided with the meter reader UI sandbox release for customers familiar with XML, web services, and HTTP/HTTPS protocols to aid in developing interfaces to exchange meter reading data. |
MIS report descriptions notice 12/1/2016 MIS report templates and sample files notice 12/1/2016 |
As part of the earlier project implementation, MIS report descriptions, templates, and sample files were created or revised. Report descriptions were made available on 12/1/2016. Report templates and sample files were revised 01/25/17. Revised reports:
New reports:
Retired reports:
The most recent version of each MIS report can be found on the MIS Report Descriptions, Template and Samples web page. |
DOCUMENT | NOTES (if necessary) |
Revised to incorporate subhourly settlement concepts, remove duplicate provisions, and relocate content from M-28 to M-35 and M-36. See the July 2016 Markets Committee presentation for details. |
See the Wholesale Markets Project Plan page and the Subhourly Real-Time Settlement Key Project page.