Last Update: 03/04/2020
Below, affected ISO customers can learn more about actions they'll need to take and changes to existing systems or procedures related to the Energy Storage Device Project. This project is one of several that ISO New England has undertaken, in collaboration with stakeholders, for the continued development of the region’s wholesale electricity markets. Target dates indicated below are subject to change.
See Participant Readiness Project Outlook for more detail on specifically affected customers and systems for this and other major projects.
Phase 1 Implemented: April 1, 2019
Under Phase 1 of the Energy Storage Device (ESD) project, ISO New England allowed participants with grid-sized continuous storage facilities (CSFs) to offer the full range of their asset’s capability in the regulation market while continuing to operate as a dispatchable energy market resource.
ESDs can be one of two asset types, a binary storage facility or a continuous storage facility. The binary storage facilities (e.g. pumped storage) existed prior to the project in the ISO New England markets. They are registered as two assets, a generator and dispatchable asset-related demand. They cannot quickly switch between operation modes.
Under the first phase of the new construct CSFs, the second type of ESD, were introduced. At this point CSFs were limited to assets sized 5MW or greater that are able to move between maximum output and maximum consumption in ten minutes or less (e.g. grid-scale batteries). CSFs are registered as three asset-types:
The three asset types, combined together, represent the single physical asset. This arrangement allows the asset to perform in the various markets without requiring major changes to existing software and processes. However, in order to support the speed in which ESDs can shift from charging to discharging and the anticipated frequency of dispatch limit redeclarations, existing software and dispatch processes were automated.
An additional change all generators monitoring remote terminal unit (RTU) failure-to-follow data were made aware of was the failure to follow flag was being permanently set to read “following” via the RTU and in the Dynamic Data Management System (DDMS). After go-live failure to follow calculations were communicated to participants through settlement processes.
The ESD project
Phase 2 release 1 - December 1, 2019: Electric storage resources dispatched to consume electricity to provide a service that are also reported under a separate Regional Network Load will not pay the Schedule 9 Regional Network Service (RNS) and Local Service (LS) transmission charges during the provision of that service.
Phase 2 release 2 - March 1, 2020: In order to comply with FERC Order 841, ISO systems will be modified to handle storage devices with a capability as small as 0.1 MW.
Affected market participants were required to take specific steps or adapt to changes in ISO Systems, as described below and should be mindful of additional time-bound items, some of which may require customers to take specific steps or adapt to changes in ISO systems after the project implementation date.
Please consider subscribing to Participant Readiness, Market Notices, Information Technology (IT) Notices, and MIS Report Issues to receive notices posted to the ISO calendar for future projects.
Q1-2019 |
eMarket |
Participants with CSF assets on track for the project go-live will receive additional instruction to view and test CSF functionality in eMarket |
Q2-2019 |
Settlements |
Beginning Q4-2018 |
Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) |
Participants with assets targeting an April 1, 2019 go-live were working directly with the Asset Registration group to register their CSFs by November 27, 2018 to be included in the February 5, 2019 model release The asset registration process for CSFs is performed upon request by ISO personnel rather than modifying the CAMS UI to allow participant registration processing at this time |
On-going |
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) |
Participants performed communications testing and verification for CSFs RTUs prior to activation |
The ISO may conduct online or classroom-based training and information sessions and other opportunities for affected customers to learn about changes and ask questions in advance of project implementation. Please consider subscribing to ISO Training to receive notices posted to the ISO calendar for this project.
February 21, 2019 |
Continuous Storage Facility Participation Webinar |
Q2 2019 |
Resource Operator OP-14 Training (ROOT) – updated with CSF information for designated entities, demand designated entities, and applicable lead market participant personnel |
Quarterly beginning Q2 2019 |
Quarterly Settlements Issues Forum (QSIF) |
Available Now |
Web-based Regulation Market training covering various regulation topics |
Please also see the following frequently asked questions (FAQs):
The following documents were provided to market participants affected by the project for specific instructions on completing related tasks or processes and helpful answers to frequently asked questions.
DOCUMENT | NOTES (if necessary) |
MIS report changes |
As part of the project, MIS report descriptions, templates and sample files will be revised for the following reports:
The most recent version of each MIS report can be found on the MIS Report Descriptions, Template and Samples web page. |
Summary of eMarket changes for CSFs |
eMarket User Guide version v.7.2, effective September 30, 2020 |
Version V7.2 reflecting capacity resource definition change |
eMarket Data Exchange Specification v10.7, effective April 1, 2019 |
Version 10.7 updated for CSF changes |
Instructions for registering assets |
DOCUMENT | NOTES (if necessary) |
Market Rule 1 Section III – committee redlines |
Operating Procedures |
See more on the Wholesale Markets Project Plan page