Access documents related to the Extended-Term/Longer Term Transmission Planning Tariff Changes Key Project.
This project, initiated in response to the New England State’s Energy Vision and in alignment with ISO New England’s Strategic Plan, proposes changes to Attachment K of the Open Access Transmission Tariff in two phases.
The first phase of changes, approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in February 2022, creates a process that allows the New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE) to request the ISO to perform system planning analyses that may extend beyond the 10-year planning horizon and that identify, at a high-level, transmission infrastructure necessary to meet a New England state’s energy policy, mandate, or legal requirement.
A second phase of changes, accepted by FERC in July 2024, creates a process to move transmission upgrades identified via the above analyses forward into developable projects, and includes a cost-allocation mechanism for those transmission improvements.
All information related to these studies and resulting regional solicitations for solutions are posted on the Longer-Term Transmission Studies (LTTSs) webpage. This includes documentation for the 2050 Transmission Study (the first LTTS requested by NESCOE), and NESCOE’s December 12, 2025 request that the ISO issue a regional solicitation (the first under the LTTP process).
The Extended-Term/Longer-Term Transmission Planning Tariff Changes project is just one of several key projects at the ISO, which continuously undertakes a variety of short- and long-term projects to enhance the region's competitive wholesale electricity markets and ensure reliable operation of the power grid.